We have talked about it many times, teaching is one of the most important things we ask of our ambassadors. This can come in many forms. For Katie and John Demuth, they utilize Instagram Live to bring us a weekly education segment…Whip Finish Wednesday. We asked Katie and John to explain why it started, and what topics they typically discuss.
“We started the live segment, Whip Finish Wednesday, on Instagram about three years ago. When we first started our Instagram account, @demuth_flyfishing, our goal was to take excellent photos of a variety of well-tied flies and share them with others. As we gained followers, we realized just how many others shared the same passions. As a result, we have not only made many new friends and connections, but also have learned a vast amount about fly tying and photography from others. We began to notice that we got a lot of the same inquiries from different people, whether it be about fly tying materials, equipment, flies, tying techniques, or photography. We decided that making an effort to go live once a week would give us an opportunity to share what we have learned with others on a larger scale. In addition, it would provide a real-time interaction with viewers, so questions could be addressed as they came up. We often have guest tiers join us live, which gives our viewers the opportunity to see other tiers and their personal techniques. Today, we try to go live every Wednesday night at 9 pm EST.”