Tying Tutorial: Russ Maddi's Foam Scorpion

By Russ Maddin

Most people know Russ by his streamer patterns like the Circus Peanut, Mad Pup, and Kraken, but he ties some very effective dry fly patterns as well. In this article, Russ shows us step-by-step how he ties the Foam Scorpion.

“The scorpion is a topwater fly, and the 1/0 version tied in this demo is best fished with a floating line. I use Scientific Anglers – amplitude textured bass bug line with a modest leader of 6’-9’ (14-25lb). The scorpion has become a staple fly among warm water enthusiasts, however this fly’s functionality is broader reaching to include trout, panfish, largemouth, smallmouth, peacock bass as well as a variety of salmonids. This fly can also serve as a great night fly for targeting brown trout. The versatility of the scorpion fly can accommodate a variety of topwater needs ranging in sizes from #6-4/0.  Modified additions with shanks and tandem hooks can be incorporated. The hook can even be inverted to fish heavier cover. 

Enjoy the scorpion platform,

Russ Maddin”

Material List:

  • Hook – Ahrex TP 605 1/0 for this specific demo. The hook size  can be modified based on targeted species
  • Thread – I use 6/0 veevus for everything – however any thread available that won’t slice through the foam will work fine
  • Flash – Voodoo fiber for this demo, but any of the vast varieties of flash will work
  • Bucktail – any 
  • Body Foam – 3mm 
  • Hot Spot (optional) – 3mm with a contrast color for the core – 1.5mm
  • Rubber legs – Qty of 3 magnum for this demo, but any will work 

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